Teaching your child about strangers can seem a difficult task. You don’t want to create anxiety in them, but you want them to be aware of strangers and to be cautious. Here’s a way you can teach this lesson, according to Stephen Bavolek, author of the Nurturing Parenting Program:
· Take time to discuss what a stranger is. Is it someone you know or someone you don’t know?
· Discuss why we should be concerned about strangers.
· Discuss what could happen if you talk to a stranger.
· Ask questions and allow children to answer. Also allow them to ask questions.
Examples might be:
Ø Have you ever been afraid of a stranger?
Ø Has a stranger ever helped you in some way?
Ø Is it okay to ask a stranger for help? (Explain that only police, teachers, doctors, etc. may be asked.)
Ø Are there good or bad strangers? What makes them different?
· Give scenarios of what they should do in certain circumstances.
Bavolek, Stephen. (2007). Nurturing Skills For Families. Ashville, NC: Family Development Resources, Inc.