Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Infant Bonding

     Can my baby's early experiences affect him or her for a lifetime?  According to Dr. Stephen Bavolek (2012), the answer is "Yes!"  Early childhood experiences are the building blocks for your child's life.  That is why it is important to begin a healthy bond with them as early as possible. 

     From the time a baby is born, that child is drawn to the mother and father.  Newborns are born with bonding abilities, as they make eye contact, prefer mom's voice, and distinguish dad's voice (Bavolek, 2012).  They are also able to find mother's breast just moments after birth.

     Continuing this bond is a big responsibility for parents.  Parents should continually engage their children with conversation, family activities, touch, and love.  Speaking, even to newborns, will also cause attachment and a strong relationship between mom and dad.  Playing with children, on the floor, and in direct contact, will enable them to develop a bond that will prepare them for a healthy life.  Infant massage and gentle touch is another way to connect with your child.  Rubbing their back, tummy, or legs is a soothing and relationship building activity.  Showing compassion and love towards our children will give them a sense of security, strengthening the union of mother, father, and child. 

     The experiences that infants have early-on will not only bond them to their parents, but prepare them for life and future relationships.

Bavolek, S.   (2012).  Nurturing Parenting Programs.  Family Development Resources, Inc.

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