Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Roles

As we look at the family, it is clear that there are certain roles for each  member.  Children do not have the same roles as parents, and parents do not have the same roles as children.  Keeping roles defined in the family is important, because it assists us in understanding one another and each individual's abilities and responsibilities.  If you are unsure of what your child's roles are, or even what your roles are, sit down and work through it.  Obviously, your child cannot do certain things within the home.  

Examples of your roles might be:

  • Provide nurturing
  • Provide shelter and nourishment
  • Encourage
  • Support emotionally, educationally, spiritually, etc.

Examples of your child's roles might be:
  • Help with small chores (This will help them develop self-esteem and a feeling of belonging)
  • Follow a routine (lovingly planned by mom and dad)
  • Be a kid!

It is also important to allow each individual to gain acceptance of "self".  You can do this by first accepting one another.  Learn to allow your family members to express themselves and be themselves in and out of the home.  Explore areas in your life or in your child's life that may affect behavior patterns and feelings.  Talk about these feelings and allow each member to heal from any past hurts.

Developing an understanding of roles and a positive appreciation of self is a healthy part of the nurturing family.  Children will grow into confident and nurtured adults, and parents will also grow more confident in the roles of parenthood and become more nurturing mothers and fathers.

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