Friday, August 1, 2014

Family Fun Activity Plan

Finding fun activities for your family to do together can be difficult.  I found that sitting down with the family and discussing what we like to do helps us to make plans for our family fun activities.  Take notes on what suggestions are given and also note how many members of the family agree that the said activity would be something they might want to do together.  Throw in some crazy suggestions and then take a vote.  I keep a copy of our suggestions handy so we can continue to make plans that we can all agree on.  We also revisit the topic often to add new ideas and to take away some that have been overdone.

I did this with my family and it helped us eliminate some of the activities that brought about frustration.  It is important to take into consideration all likes and dislikes.  

I also spoke with my children about compromise.  Sometimes we have to compromise in those things we don't really want to do as a family activity so that everyone gets an opportunity to do an enjoyable event.  Kind of like when I cave in and say okay to bowling...something I really do not like. 

Being somewhat of a germaphobe, I have a difficult time wearing bowling shoes and touching the bowling balls that have been in the hands of so many people.  So, what do I do???  I suck it up and pack the hand sanitizer and go have fun with my family.

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